By Bethany Halford
The Sci-Mix poster sessions at ACS meetings are legendary for two things: 1) top-notch posters on every conceivable aspect of chemistry and 2) free drink tickets. But cash in too many of the latter and your memory of the former can get a little hazy.
Somewhere along the line, some bright scholars decided to copy their posters onto a few sheets of paper, making the presentations portable for colleagues who may be too busy (or too tipsy) to take good notes.
Today I saw a brilliant innovation on the portable poster concept—a wallet-sized booklet in which each page is a slide from the poster. The one pictured here comes from Cari Pentecost, a graduate student in J. Fraser Stoddart’s lab at UCLA. Pentecost told me her colleague Steven Joiner dreamed up the booklets about a year ago, when Stoddart challenged his students to come up with poster summaries small enough to slip into a pocket.
(Photo by Linda Wang)
Making the booklets is easy, Pentecost said, as long as you’ve got some basic Powerpoint skills, a paper cutter, and a stapler. Just remember that the number of slides you make has to be a multiple of four.
Swing by Pentecost’s poster (or any poster from Team Stoddart) at tonight’s Sci-Mix session to snag one for yourself.