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Isabel Jardin

Thx 4 the update on Djerassi and 4 UR tribute to his prolific, expansive body of work (so to speak).

Thx also for the hyperlinks providing more description abt "Phallacy". I was hoping to find a play, "Phallacy", playing with words, provoking questions about the reasonableness, veracity, potency of science practiced within a peculiarly patriarchically-defined culture. The potent genius of such a culture, perhaps, is the insidious assumption of value-neutrality powered by conquering logic. Such long standing cultural self-definitions, however, might preclude even tacit inklings that the gestalt of/by science as currently learned and practiced may be peculiarly phallis-based. Such perception may have the potential for self-reflexive queries about fallacy/pseudo-scientific reasoning, the nature of authenticity and integrity of science as presently manifested and understood; thus possibly weaving together ways to measure phallic fallacy and science. Maybe it's just me, but I'd pay to see that play.

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